Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Healthy and Unhealthy Drinks

Wondering why you don’t eat too much but still keep on gaining weight? Then maybe you drink is not healthy at all. There are hundreds of beverages out there that can boost your waistline.

You have to be cautious of what you drink. Coffee, although it has significant health effects, can be making you fat. If you drink coffee with full fat dairy and artificial flavorings, and do not forget about chocolate sprinkles, then it is highly likely that this is more detrimental than beneficial.

To maximize the health benefits of coffee, it is better to drink it plain or with soymilk. Or you can just switch to green tea which is much better for you since it is a rich source of anti-oxidants.

Sugary summer drinks like margarita or a pina colada doubles your sugar and calorie intake. A can or a glass of this can give you 800 calories. If you’re looking for cool, alcoholic beverage to share in a hot night, then switch to red wine or light beer.

Red wine can reduce coronary heart disease and can lower cholesterol count, thus, reducing risk of high blood pressure or hypertension. Red wine can also maintain the immune system. It also have polyphenols which is an excellent anti-oxidant.

Polyphenols lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, risks of cancer. It also has anti-bacterial properties. Aside form polyphenols, red wine also has flavonoids which is also an anti-oxidant. Wine can also be associated in reducing stress. It has a calming influence that helps the body to relax and unwind.

Before buying your juice drink, be careful on reading the label. There is difference between “100 % juice” and “made with real juice”. There can be a big amount of artificial sweeteners and big amount of calories included in your juice drink. Drinking real juice drink can give you the necessary nutrients and vitamins, while there re juice drink which is not different from drinking a glass of sugared water.

Whether it is diet or regular soda, soda still has no nutritional value. Unfortunately, this unhealthy drink is the leading and most favorite beverage. There are studies showing soda related to obesity. Soda is known to be high in calories and sugar. Even diet soda shows no significant difference in sugar and calories. Both regular and diet sodas are associated to weight gain.

Drinking soda has also been related to tooth decay. It is still attributed to high consumption of sugars which is present in all soda drinks. Caffeine is also present in sodas. So children who drink too much sodas can develop caffeine dependence. This may interfere with the development of the brain of children. Although, this is not yet proven, several medical researchers and health care professionals are expressing concern.

Unfortunately, there are more of unhealthy drinks than healthy drinks out there in the market. More and more people are forgetting to focus on healthy drinking. Yes, we try to be cautious with what we eat but we still neglect what we drink. Then definitely, we will be missing our healthy mark.

So if you would like to create your own drinks minus the sugar and calories, then definitely go ahead. There are health guides and magazines, even the internet, can help you concoct a savory but healthy drink without the risk factors.

About The Author:
For more tips on visit GuesWise, Elite Ghostwriters
Elite Ghostwriters.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Green Tea as an Effective Health Drink

In the world where many diseases emerge every year, it is common for people to think about their health. This is why many companies are producing products that have potential health benefits for the consuming public. One of most marketed products today are health drinks that were derived from plants with soothing properties such as tea.

Tea itself is considered a health drink especially for the Chinese who have been using it for its medicinal benefits roughly 4,000 years ago. In some other countries where there is cold climate, tea is a very popular drink next to water. Basically, tea has four types: the black tea, the oolong tea, the green tea, and the white tea. Each of which is said to have benefits that can help the overall well being of a person.

Green tea's secret

But among all these types, green tea stands out because many health drinks, beauty products, and even food make use of it. Experts say that the reason behind this demand for green tea is because it is rich catechin polyphenols—more specifically in "epigallocatechin gallate" or EGCG, which is a very powerful anti-oxidant.

Coming from the leaves of the plant called "camellia sinensis," experts say that green tea is considered are superior among the rest because it processed in the very different way. Unlike other types of teas, which are obtained from fermented leaves, the leaves of green tea are steamed. This is to ensure that the EGCG will not be oxidized unlike in the fermentation process where the EGCG are converted into other forms complex compounds.

Healthy benefits

One of the reasons why people use healthy drinks and products that are derived from green tea is to maintain a healthy body that is away from diseases or illnesses.

Since green tea is believed to be the healthiest among other types of teas, people consume it to veer away from certain medical conditions or to cure existing health conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cariovascular diseases, infections, tooth decay, and various impaired immune functions as well as help people to lose weight.

More and more people who are at risk with cancer and even those who are already suffering from the condition are using green tea as a health drink because of its high EGCG content. Experts believed that EGCG could inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body by killing the cells without causing harm to other cells and tissues.

Many companies also use green tea in their products because EGCG itself can lower LDL cholesterol levels while inhibits "thrombosis," the abnormal formation of blood clots in the body which are major causes cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke.

In the field of losing weight, more and more people are using green tea as a health drink because it is believed that the extract from the green tea is able to burn more calories compared to placebo or caffeine. For those who have dental concerns such as tooth decay, green tea can also help avoid this because it contains bacteria-destroying properties that kills the bacteria in plaque.

Although green tea has many proven benefits to people who use it as a health drink, experts still warn that it should be used in moderation. This is because green tea still contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia attacks to people who have low caffeine tolerance.
About The Author:
About The Author:
For more tips on visit James Obidike, Elite Ghostwriters
Elite Ghostwriters.

Great Health Drinks You Can Consume

We have to take care of our bodies. To do that, we can exercise, eat a good diet and also consume some health drinks. Just like food, such refreshments have to be prepared and here a twp that you can try out at home.

The first is green tea. Studies have shown that tea is healthier than coffee because it can help regulate your blood sugar and blood pressure, prevent certain cancers, fight plaque on your teeth, lower your cholesterol and slow down the aging process.

To make green tea, you will need one tea bag and then put this either in the kettle filled with warm water or straight to the cup. After letting it stand for about 3 minutes or so, you can already drink it. If you want to add flavor to your tea, you can try adding sugar, honey and even a lemon wedge.

The next drink is the fruit smoothie. The mixture itself is similar to making milkshake but instead of the added calories, this is replaced with vitamins and nutrients. To do that, you have to buy some fruit, low fat yogurt, some crushed ice and water. All the ingredients are then mixed in the blended and when it is ready, this is poured into a tall glass.

Aside from those you can make, there are those that can be poured straight from the container. These health drinks are your basic fruit juices and you can find these in different variations such as apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, pineapple juice and a lot more.

Although these health drinks have certain benefits, you have to remember that these products are highly processed which means these are high in sugar. These will surely cause your blood sugar to go up and drinking too much of these may cause damage to your heart and kidney over time.

There are also health drinks from vegetables which are better known as functional beverages. These are great to have since many of us don’t eat a salad daily. The only problem is that you get essential nutrients from various vegetables so you have to buy different products and take it alternately.

The newest health drink is called the cell renewal formula because it is a combination of fruit and vegetable extracts mixed with herbs and other plant compounds. There are only a few of these products so far in the market and a few of these don’t taste that good so it takes time for someone to get used to it.

Among all the different health drinks available, the one thing that is not included in this group is the energy drinks. If you read the ingredients on the label, these consists of artificial sweeteners, caffeine or ephedra and in some cases a combination of all three.

You have probably drank a few of these in the past and although they taste good, the reality is that it may replenish your electrolytes after a workout but it does not have give you any vitamins and nutrients which are good for your health. This does not mean you should give up drinking energy drinks but consume it in moderation.

There is no doubt that health drinks are good for you otherwise doctors and other health experts will not recommend them. You can make this yourself or buy these from the store but before you bringing it to the checkout counter, take time to read what is written on the product label.
About The Author:
For more tips on visit James Obidike, Elite Ghostwriters
Elite Ghostwriters.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quick and Easy Recipes to Enjoy with Kids

If you’re a parent who spends very little time with your kids due to the daily hassles in your office and/or in your home, then I say this to you: make time. When you’re old and look back, you’ll regret not doing things with your kids. You might even end up miserable and hating yourself and the real sad part is that you’ll never get that time back. So why be that old man, try doing things with your kids today. One little activity that is very rewarding for you and your kid is inviting your children into your kitchen. There are quick and easy recipes where you and your kids can enjoy.

How many times have you scolded your kid for playing around the kitchen? Well this is understandable given the potential dangers around the kitchen, knives, hot surfaces, boiling water, hot oils, etc. But by involving them in the cooking process you will be able to teach them the proper and safe conducts in and around the kitchen. This beats scolding anytime.

Children love the whole process of cooking. They the way big pieces of ingredients are chopped, sliced, or grated and mixed together to form a terrific dish. Maybe to them it’s a big jigsaw puzzle which when you get it right you will have one whole piece of dish that you can enjoy and eat.

Be patient when you’re working with kids. Expect a big mess of things. Your work table will most likely be overrun by various ingredients, drops of seasonings, scattered utensils, measuring instruments, and other cookware. This is fun to them, and who knows you might enjoy a taste of chaos once in a while. It might actually be liberating. But for the kids, the experience is hilarious and when they made good with their food, the feeling would be fulfilling.

There are several easy recipes that kids can make. Some very easy and simple dishes include omelet recipes and other breakfast dishes. Making French toasts is quite easy as well. Salads and sandwiches are also quite easy to make plus they are very healthy. Your kids can also bring these sandwiches for their lunch breaks.

One simple recipe is making a banana crepe, or make than a chocolate banana crepe. What you will need is some crepe flour, milk, eggs, melted chocolate, butter and of course sliced bananas. Mix together everything in a bowl except for the chocolate, bananas and butter. Let your kid do the mixing process. Use the butter to grease a crepe pan and then pour the crepe mixture on it. Make sure to spread out the mixture over the pan. Remember to flip it to cook the other side. Once cooked, spread the melted chocolate, line up the banana slices, and then fold it. You can add some more chocolate on the outside. Enjoy this with your kid.

Making pancakes is also another easy one. You can either go with the quick cooked pancakes available in the market or make your own from flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Whatever you decide, your kids can handle the mixing of the pancake mix, the greasing of the pan, the flipping of the pancakes and the presentation and additional touches like topping with chocolate or strawberry syrup.

Allow your kids to experiment and be imaginative. You will enjoy quick and easy recipes if you cook them with your kids. Sure expect a dirty kitchen later, but you have so much to gain if you involve your kids with the things you do.
For more tips on quick and easy recipes visit on quick and easy recipes visit

Friday, November 27, 2009

Drink Tea for Your Health

Since the ancient times, Chinese have been drinking tea. They have believed and reported health benefits from tea. It has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years. Today, there are numerous studies showing evidences improvements in health attributed to tea drinking. More and more people drink tea for their health.

In the Journal of National Cancer Institute (published in 1994) they claimed that drinking tea has reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by a huge 60 percent. While, the University of Purdue researchers claimed that green tea can prevent the growth of some cancer cells. Tea has polyphenols that can reduce risk not only of esophageal cancer, but also gastric and skin cancers.

It can also help in the prevention or the spread of prostate cancer as discovered by the Center of Human Nutrition at UCLA. It can also protect the body against cancer brought about by smoking. Green tea and white tea are significant in fighting colon and lower stomach cancers.

Tea can also improve the ratio of good and bad cholesterol levels in your body. The same polyphenols help in preventing blood from clotting and are responsible in lowering cholesterol levels. Thus, drinking tea is a great help for heart disease patients.

These are not only the health benefits attributed to tea. According to Newcastle University’s Medicinal Plant Research Centre study, tea might also delay Alzheimer’s disease. While, University of Tokyo stated that tea may play a role against fighting AIDS.

Aside from cancer it can also be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, infections, and impaired immune function. There are also new studies claiming green tea helping those who would like to lose weight. Those who drink caffeine and green tea tend to burn more calories that those consuming caffeine only.

Because of its ability to fight and destroy bacteria, green tea can even fight against tooth decay. It can kill dental plaque just as it can help prevent food poisoning. In the market, there are also deodorants and skin creams with the component of green tea in it.

How can something be this good?

The secret is the polyphenols, especially the epigallocatechin galleate or EGCG. ECGC is an anti-oxidant. This powerful anti-oxidant can kill or prevent the growth of cancer cells without harming the healthy tissue and cells. It also has flavonoids and catechins which are also anti-oxidants. It also has fluoride which is why it can fight tooth decay and helps control bad breath.

Different kind of teas has different levels on anti-oxidants. White tea has more anti-oxidants compared to other tea. Freshly brewed teas have more polyphenols than instant or bottled teas. Thus, freshly-brewed teas have more anti-oxidants than instant teas.

Caffeine is also present in tea. Caffeine levels or amount in brewed tea depends on the type of the tea. Black tea has higher amount of caffeine than green tea. The amount of caffeine also depends of length of time of brewing, and also on the water temperature. If the leaves are exposed to higher water temperature, more caffeine are drained from the leaves.

The American Diabetic Association reported that a cup of tea has an average of 40 mg. of caffeine. A cup of freshly brewed coffee has an average of 85 mg. of caffeine. An average of 350 mg. of caffeine consumption is still good for a healthy individual.

Currently, the only negative effect reported in drinking too much tea is insomnia. This would be because of the caffeine content of tea. So start brewing your tea, drink for your health.
For more tips on visit on healthy drinking visit.